
an image of the Nightingale item .433 Rifle Cartridges

.433 Rifle Cartridges

The purest form of the hunt, this once widely produced ammunition, perfected by blacksmiths before The Calamity, remains ready to aid any and all rifles that lie in wait.

Max Stack Count: 99

Item Type: Ammo

Power Level: 2

Tags: Ammo, Ammo Basic

Weight: 0.1

Strength Bonus: 1

Damage Bonus: 1

Crafting Recipe

Quantity Given: 24

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Ingot

2 x Ingot

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Gunpowder

2 x Gunpowder

Crafted By:



Crude Ammo Box

Crude Ammo Box



Excellent Workbench

Excellent Workbench

Refined Workbench

Refined Workbench