
an image of the Nightingale item .451 Revolver Cartridges

.451 Revolver Cartridges

Ever since the first flintlock, Realmwalkers have used revolvers for protection while exploring the Realms, but, without proper ammunition, a revolver is as good as a paperweight.

Max Stack Count: 99

Item Type: Ammo

Power Level: 2

Tags: Ammo, Ammo Basic

Weight: 0.1

Strength Bonus: 1

Damage Bonus: 1

Crafting Recipe

Quantity Given: 32

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Ingot

2 x Ingot

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Gunpowder

2 x Gunpowder

Crafted By:

Simple Saddle Rack

Simple Saddle Rack

Excellent Workbench

Excellent Workbench

Refined Workbench

Refined Workbench