
an image of the Nightingale item Gazpacho


Gazpacho is just as hardy as a hot soup but offers additional versatility. One may be less inclined to ingest hot meals in deserts for example.

Max Stack Count: 1

Item Type: Consumable

Power Level: 2

Tags: 1 H, Refined, Produce, Cooked

Weight: 0.5

Health Max: 50

Stamina Max: 300

Health Regen Rate: 30

Stamina Regen Rate: 2

Fed: 50

Effect Duration: 1800

Hot Resistance: 0.2

Crafting Recipe

Quantity Given: 1

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Salad

1 x Salad

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Broth

1 x Broth

Crafted By:

Traditional Kettle

Traditional Kettle

Calcularian Stove

Calcularian Stove



Cast-Iron Stove

Cast-Iron Stove