
an image of the Nightingale item Rugged Climbing Picks

Rugged Climbing Picks

A staple for NTTC scouts and surveyors, these sharp, serrated picks can prove perilous when used unwisely, but in trained hands they ensure an unwavering hold to any rockface.

Max Stack Count: 1

Item Type: Climbing

Power Level: 3

Tags: Mirrored, 1, 1 H

Durability: 200

Melee Damage: 126

Stamina Cost: 5

Strength: 10

Weak Point Damage: 1.5

Weight: 3

Magic Power: 20

Stamina Efficiency: 0.05

Speed: 0.1

Crafting Recipe

Quantity Given: 1

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Pick Head

2 x Pick Head

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Shaft

1 x Shaft

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Wrap

1 x Wrap

Crafted By:

Simple Map

Simple Map



Excellent Workbench

Excellent Workbench