
an image of the Nightingale item Simple Fishing Rod

Simple Fishing Rod

While far from a master’s rod, this simple stick and lure may be the difference between survival and starvation for those lost in inhospitable Realms.

Max Stack Count: 1

Item Type: Fishing Rod

Power Level: 1

Tags: 2 H, Fishing Rod

Durability: 100

Fishing: 1

Stamina Efficiency: 0.1

Magic Power: 10

Weight: 2

Strength: 1

Crafting Recipe

Quantity Given: 1

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Wood Bundle

1 x Wood Bundle

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Animal Fibre

2 x Animal Fibre

an image of the Nightingale item/resource Bones

1 x Bones

Crafted By:

Excellent Workbench

Excellent Workbench

Refined Workbench

Refined Workbench

Simple Workbench

Simple Workbench