
an image of the Nightingale realm card Astrolabe Ascended Card

[Major] Astrolabe Ascended Card

Play this card to seek a Realm of moderate danger, populated by the Calcularia and the ruins of humanity’s Realmic airfields. Astrolabe Realms gave rise to the theory that Faewild skies are linked to the Demiurge. They are favoured by the Calcularia, who long to harness powers beyond humanity’s grasp.

Foil Paper

Foil Paper

Amount: 1

Lustrous Ink

Lustrous Ink

Amount: 1

How to Unlock:

An End-Game unlock from the Ascended Forest, Swamp and Desert Antiquarian Essence Trader.

Realm Card Effects:

An End-Game version of Astrolabe, populating it with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderate danger.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus