
an image of the Nightingale realm card Combatant’s Workshop Card

[Minor] Combatant’s Workshop Card

Play this card to craft tools that deal greater damage, but offer reduced yield. First played by ancient smiths employed by the Redcrosse Knights in order to better outfit their ranks, this card ensures the creation of armaments more ferocious.



Amount: 1



Amount: 1

Essence Dust

Essence Dust

Amount: 25

How to Unlock:

Looted from Fae Chests.

Realm Card Effects:

Allows you to make tools with increased damage but reduces their yields. Crafted tools while under this effect gain the Damage++ trait. Also reduces crafting time by 10 seconds. The season becomes summer.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Simple Enchanter’s Focus

Simple Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus