
an image of the Nightingale realm card Farm Card

[Minor] Farm Card

Play this card to increase the speed of crop growth, improve their yield and increase the chance of finding Essence when harvesting. Marked by dirt and grass stains, this card endlessly recalls the earnest toil of working the land, far from the bustle of urban industry.

Coated Paper

Coated Paper

Amount: 1

Vibrant Ink

Vibrant Ink

Amount: 1



Amount: 1

How to Unlock:

Recipe sold at the Forest Hunt Essence Trader.

Realm Card Effects:

Increases the speed of crop growth, improves the yield and increases the chance of finding Essence when Harvesting.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus