
an image of the Nightingale realm card Hunt Ascended Card

[Major] Hunt Ascended Card

Play this card to seek a Realm of great danger, where vicious creatures abound and only seasoned Explorers dare to tread. Hunt Realms beckon to Realmwalkers more than others, thought by Geoarcanists to be innately linked to an Explorer’s soul. Carrying the card elicits dreams of predators and quarry.

Foil Paper

Foil Paper

Amount: 1

Lustrous Ink

Lustrous Ink

Amount: 1

How to Unlock:

An End-Game unlock. The recipe is sold at the Ascended Gloom Essence Traders.

Realm Card Effects:

An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with a Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus