
an image of the Nightingale realm card Maleficiate Card

[Minor] Maleficiate Card

Play this card to plunge a Realm into eternal night and increase the yield of the Bound’s resources. Blackest ink seems to call out to the Bound beyond, urging them forth. Once alerted to your presence, they will gladly oblige.

Coated Paper

Coated Paper

Amount: 1

Vibrant Ink

Vibrant Ink

Amount: 1



Amount: 1

How to Unlock:

Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe sold at the Desert Gloom Essence Trader.

Realm Card Effects:

Plunges the realm into eternal night and increases the yield of Bound resource drops.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus