
an image of the Nightingale realm card Provisioner Ascended Card

[Major] Provisioner Ascended Card

Play this card to seek a Realm of moderate danger, populated by the NTTC and their industrial refineries. This Realm Card feels supple under one’s fingers and brings to mind a keen sense of opportunity. To many, Provisioner Realms evoke the geniality of a second home.

Foil Paper

Foil Paper

Amount: 1

Lustrous Ink

Lustrous Ink

Amount: 1

How to Unlock:

An End-Game unlock from the Ascended Astrolabe Essence Traders.

Realm Card Effects:

An End-Game version of the major realm card. populated with Calcularia faction NPCs with moderately high danger.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus