
an image of the Nightingale realm card Thinned Veil Card

[Minor] Thinned Veil Card

Play this card to move more quickly, leap safely to great heights and use stamina more efficiently. One look at this airy parchment forces a childlike smile. Thoughts fill the mind with drifting, floating, feeling light as air after each bounding leap.



Amount: 1



Amount: 1

Essence Dust

Essence Dust

Amount: 25

How to Unlock:

Looted from Fae Chests. Recipe purchased from Forest Antiquarian Essence Trader

Realm Card Effects:

Increases movement speed, stamina efficiency and jumping velocity. Comes with a slight durability drain increase.

Crafted By:

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Excellent Enchanter’s Focus

Simple Enchanter’s Focus

Simple Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus

Refined Enchanter’s Focus